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Password complexity

Your password on Magi has some requirements :

  • 8 characters at least ;
  • 1 uppercase at least ;
  • 1 lowercase at least ;
  • 1 digit at least ;
  • 1 special character at least.

Moreover there is a usage policy :

  • 3 login failures lock your account (you have to contact me to unlock) ;
  • Password modification has an history depth of 3 passwords ;
  • You must change your password every year.

First login

When you asked for a Magi account, you received an email in your inbox with your login and password.

As soon as you received this message, you can log on Magi and you will get the following screen :

You can see the quote “WARNING, your password has expired”. You must enter the password received by mail (this is your initial password). Then, you enter the new password two times. Your new password must match the complexity policy.

Change my password

Once you're logged in, you can use the passwd command toi change your password. You will have a screen like this :

You only have to enter your current password and your new password 2 times.

password.1678897599.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/03/15 17:26 by nico