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Magi Quick Start

This section provides a brief introduction to run your jobs on Magi.

First, you must log on the frontend node :

ngreneche@YF-19:~$ ssh -p 2822

The SSH server is binded on the non-standard port 2822 and fully qualified domain name (FQDN) is If you do not have an account, feel free to contact administrator to apply : nicolas_dot_grenecheATuniv-paris13_dot_fr.

When logged, check if the job scheduler's module is loaded :

nicolas.greneche@magi1:~$ module list

Currently Loaded Modules:

  1) gcc/XXXX/slurm/XXXX

In this documentation, XXXX stands for a version number. If not, you can load the module this way :

nicolas.greneche@magi1:~$ module load gcc/XXXX/slurm/XXXX

You can also update your .bashrc in your home directory to add this command. On standard configurations, you can add the command at the end of the file.

Now it's time to compile your code to run on Magi. You may have to load additionnal modules to access libraries of compilers required to your code. In this starting guide, we compile and run an MPI code. So, we have to load the OpenMPI module :

nicolas.greneche@magi1:~$ module load gcc/XXXX/openmpi/XXXX
quick_start.1617971521.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/04/09 14:32 by nico