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Cloud drive storage

A cloud storage is available on Magi. This storage is based on Owncloud. You can find the login page here. You can use your Magi login / password. You must ask me to have an access on this cloud storage service.

Here is the welcoming screen :

If you click on the “plus” sign in red, you can browse and upload files from your computer to the cloud drive. It should be noticed that you can also drag and drop files. If the “plus” sign is not visible, feel free to contact it's a permission issue.

Both green and blue sections concern file sharing between users. The green is files that are shared with you and the blue is files that you share with others. To define your own shares, you can click on the button in yellow on the right of the filename.

Just near to the share button, there is a triple dot button in grey. If you click on it, you can see all actions available on the file : rename, delete or download.

The last button in pink is to create an external storage. We will use this feature to connect your cloud drive to your home on Magi.

Sharing files with users

When you click on the share file, it opens the following screen on the left :

You can share with groups or users. Just select the tab in red. You can key in user's name or group in the green textfield. Feel free to contact me to create your groups. You can also generate a sharing link by selecting the tab in yellow. Then, you must click on the button in blue.

Connect your home on Magi with your cloud drive

Just click on the on your name in the upper right of the welcoming screen, the parameters. After that, on the left there a storage item. When you select it, you arrive on this screen :

On the left, in pink, you can give a name to your external share. Next, you can choose the protocol of sharing. Here we use SFTP. Next, you can choose the public key authentication method. The last section in red in the very right defines the connection parameters to the internal file gateway. First item is host, you must use “”. The next item is the directory of your home. Connections to homes are chrooted so you can use “/login” (here “/nicolas.greneche”). The third item is your login. The last line is your SSH public key. You have to copy / paste it in your authorized_keys in Magi's home. If you are not at ease with SSH public key authentication, you can ask me to do it for you. Here is an example of command to add Magi's home to your drive :

Next, you can click on the gear button in violet on the screenshot above. it leads you here :

If you want to be able to share data from your Magi's directory you have to check “Enable sharing” box (in green).

When you go back to the welcoming screen, you have a new directory called “Magi”. You can use it as any other directory of your drive (including sharing capacities).

Security considerations

1) You must contact me to use the cloud drive service. If you didn't, your files cannot be accessed remotely through this service.

2) An access to the cloud drive does not give an access to your home on Magi. If you didn't connect an external storage to your Magi's home, there is no information flows between the cloud drive and your home on Magi. Even on the filer, they are separated filesystems.

3) The gateway that shares your Magi home to the cloud is hardened with a sftp access only with a chroot in your home. You cannot access other files on this server.

storage.1669219695.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/11/23 17:08 by nico