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The aim of virtualenv is to provide your own instance of Python as maintaining different versions of packages is really tricky. This tutorial shows how to have a tailored Python environement for your program :

You can create a directory for your program “mon_programme” :

nicolas.greneche@magi1:~$ mkdir mon_programme
nicolas.greneche@magi1:~$ cd mon_programme

Then, you can create a virtualenv based mon Magi's Python in a subdirectory called “venv” :

nicolas.greneche@magi1:~$ virtualenv -p /usr/bin/python3.7 venv

You may activate the brand new environement :

nicolas.greneche@magi1:~$ source venv/bin/activate

You can check that your default Python is from the virtualenv :

(venv) nicolas.greneche@magi1:~/mon_programme$ which python

Finally, you can install your own packages in the virtualenv :

(venv) nicolas.greneche@magi1:~/mon_programme$ pip install numpy
venv.1637182660.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/11/17 21:57 by nico